Whitening Relapse and why?

What is shade relapse after whitening? Why does it happen?

Let’s start with what shade relapse is in the dental world. Put simply, shade relapse is the effect of returning to the original tooth color before whitening that a patient may experience shortly after undergoing a whitening treatment. This effect may be stronger or rather subtle, depending on what method of teeth whitening the patient is undergoing.

Here’s what’s happening—we’ll use Ultradent’s Opalescence™ teeth whitening as an example.

Opalescence whitening gels contain an active whitening ingredient—either carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. Peroxide gels break down into water, oxygen, and reactive oxygen molecules. These reactive oxygen molecules treat both the enamel and the dentin, oxidizing the bonds of discolored stain molecules. By changing the stained molecules, the tooth becomes lighter.1

The process of whitening displaces the natural water and moisture in the enamel structure, leading to a transitory dehydration. When this displaced water returns, the tooth rehydrates. Shade relapse can occur since a dehydrated tooth can look whiter than a hydrated tooth. In other words, as the tooth rehydrates, the tooth’s natural color can darken slightly—but it should still be brighter than before the whitening treatment!

Opalescence whitening before

It’s important to note that not all teeth whitening treatments are equal. Opalescence gel is effective in helping reduce shade relapse as compared to competitor tooth whitening products.2 

Preventing shade relapse: Is it possible?

Technically, no. As we know it, shade relapse after a whitening treatment seems to be inevitable due to the nature of how the teeth whitening process works. Possibly, the better question for dental patients to ask is “What can I do to maintain my brighter smile for as long as possible?”

Dr. Renato Palo reminds us of the natural aging process of dentin as well. “It is normal and expected that when we get older, the dentin becomes less organic and, in turn, less clear. We cannot forget that even when we whiten our teeth, we will continue to age; therefore, it is natural that our teeth become darker over the years.”

Teeth whitening results are very stable, leaving you with a stunning smile long after your teeth whitening treatment is over. However, there are a few factors that can make teeth lose their luster. Things like genetics, age, and habits all affect your smile.

A dental patient has experienced shade relapse. Now what?

Assuming the patient has a realistic understanding and expectation of teeth whitening products, there are excellent tools we can use to help our patients retain their brighter smiles.


Opalescence Teeth Whitening Products

In summary, shade relapse can occur for a multitude of reasons for many people. The degree to how much someone experiences shade relapse after whitening can be determined by what kind of whitening treatment they chose, their genetics, their habits, and more. Luckily, The Whitening Shop offers a lineup of products to help our patients maintain their teeth whitening results for as long as possible.

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