About Your Clinician

Shannon Pace Brinker

Whitening Specialist
About Your Clinician
Shannon Pace Brinker, CDA

I’m an internationally renowned dental assistant, educator, and entrepreneur with over 34 years of experience in the dental industry. A passionate advocate for elevating the role of dental assistants and empowering them with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to excel in their careers. Practicing dental assistant dedicated to helping dental professionals and teams reach their full potential. Through my hands-on education programs, consulting, and publications, I aim to improve dentistry for everyone—patients, assistants, and dentists alike.

A few are noted below:

  • An active member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and was the first auxiliary to sit on the AACD Board of Directors.
  • Awarded the (Evy) Rising Star Award from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.Recognized as Dentistry Today’s Top 100 Clinicians.
  • Dental Product Report’s 25 Most Influential Women in Dentistry.
  • Presented the Lucy Hobbs Award.
  • Awarded the Sunstar Butler Award.
  • Dr. Bicuspid’s Dental Assistant Educator of the Year.
  • Align Technology’s Education Leadership Award.

What they say about

Shannon Brinker